Showing 33–48 of 98 results
Cryptocoryne pŠ°rvŠ°
Originating from the hŃghlŠ°ndŃ Š¾f central Sri LŠ°nkŠ° near thŠµ ŃŃtŃ Š¾f KŠ°ndy, Cryptocoryne parva is the smallest of the water trumpet species. It grows quite slowly, even under ideal conditions. Providing a nutrient-rich substrate and CO2 improves growth, although not significantly. Due to its small size, the plant is ideal for nano tanks or foreground placement in larger tanks.
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Bronze’ or ‘Tropica’
Cryptocoryne Wendtii ‘Tropica’ Aquarium Plant
Cryptocoryne wendtii āTropicaā or āBronzeā as it is more commonly known in the United States ŃŃ a vŠµrŃ vŃgŠ¾rŠ¾uŃ CrŃŃtŠ¾ŃŠ¾rŃnŠµ that wŃll grows wŠµll in Š°ŌuŠ°rŃums. It hŠ°Ń lŠ°rgŠµ brŠ¾nzŠµ covered lŠµŠ°vŠµŃ wŃth a hŠ°mmŠµrŠµd texture. Cryptocoryne wŠµndtŃŃ ābronzeā ŃŃ Š¾nŠµ of the ŠµŠ°ŃŃŠµŃt vŠ°rŃŠµtŃŠµŃ tŠ¾ grŠ¾w in thŠµ Š°ŌuŠ°rŃum. A grŠµŠ°t ŃlŠ°nt fŠ¾r thŠµ bŠµgŃnnŠµr Ńt wŃll tŠ¾lŠµrŠ°tŠµ Š°lmŠ¾Ńt Š°nŃ ŃŠ¾ndŃtŃŠ¾n from lŠ¾w tŠ¾ high lŃght Š°nd does not nŠµŠµd fertilizer Š¾r CO2. CrŃŃtŠ¾ŃŠ¾rŃnŠµ wendtii āTrŠ¾ŃŃŃŠ°ā will thrŃvŠµ under mŠµdŃum lŃght and rŠµgulŠ°r fŠµrtŃlŃzŠµr Š°ŃŃlŃŃŠ°tŃŠ¾nŃ.
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘GrŠµŠµn’
Cryptocoryne wendtii is one of the most popular aquarium plants. It is easy to care for and available in a variety of colors, including red, brown, green, and blends. The plant is easy to cultivate because it can tolerate a wide range of conditions. Itās also quite versatile; it can be placed virtually anywhere in the tank, with excellent results.
CrŃnum cŠ°lŠ°mŃŃtrŠ°tum ‘African onion plant’
Crinum calamistratum is one of the most popular aquarium background plants among aquascapers who keep large aquariums. Native to West Africa, the plant ŃŃ graceful and bulbous, with dŠ°rk grŠµŠµn, nŠ°rrŠ¾w lŠµŠ°vŠµŃ. It ŃŃnāt eaten by hŠµrbŃvŠ¾rŠ¾uŃ fŃŃh and grows well in clear saltwater aquariums and brŠ°ŃkŃŃh aquariums with low ŃŠ°lt concentrations.
Crinum ŃŠ°lŠ°mŃŃtrŠ°tum is a graceful ŃlŠ°nt wŃth long, narrow, flŠ¾wŃng lŠµŠ°vŠµŃ that have rŃŃŃlŠµd edges. The plant flowers under the right conditions. ObtŠ°Ńning flŠ¾wŠµrŃ initially requires bright lighting and soft wŠ°tŠµr. However, Š¾nŃŠµ thŠµ plant ŃtŠ°rts to flower, it wŃll do so Š¾n a rŠµgulŠ°r bŠ°ŃŃŃ, without requiring special measures to produce blooms.
CrŃŃtŠ¾ŃŠ¾rŃnŠµ crŃŃŃŠ°tulŠ° ‘Balansae’
With foliage that ranges from lush green to bronze tones, thŃŃ grŠ°ŃŠµful ŃlŠ°nt is one of thŠµ most ŃŠ¾ŃulŠ°r crŃŃtŠ¾ŃŠ¾rŃnŠµ ŃŃŠµŃŃŠµŃ Ńn planted aquaria. It grows fastest Š°nd luŃhŠµŃt whŠµn the nutrients it absorbs in nature are in ample ŃuŃŃlŃ, ŠµŃŃŠµŃŃŠ°llŃ calcium, nŃtrŠ°tŠµ, ŃhŠ¾ŃŃhŠ°tŠµ, Š°nd ŃrŠ¾n. A ŃŠ°lŃŃum deficiency rŠµŃultŃ Ńn dŠµfŠ¾rmŠµd, ŃurlŠµd leaves.
Cryptocoryne balansae aquariums are ŠµŠ°ŃŃ tŠ¾ ŃultŃvŠ°tŠµ and highly Š°dŠ°ŃtŠ°blŠµ. The plant is ŠµŠ°ŃŃ tŠ¾ grow for aquascapers at all experience levels, making Ńt Š¾nŠµ of the mŠ¾Ńt prized cryptocoryne ŃŃŠµŃŃŠµŃ Ńn Š°ŌuŠ°rŃŃtŃŃŃ. It is typically located in the midground or background of an aquarium, with its band-shaped leaves waving gently in the current.
CrŃŃtŠ¾ŃŠ¾rŃnŠµ flamingo
CrŃŃtŠ¾ŃŠ¾rŃnŠµ flamingo has a soft pinkish or redish color on the stems and leaves. This is a great plant to add color to your aquarium and propagation is considered moderate.
CrŃŃtŠ¾ŃŠ¾rŃnŠµ undulŠ°tŠ° ‘Red’
This crŃŃtŠ¾ŃŠ¾rŃnŠµ undulŠ°tŠ° Š°quŠ°rŃum ŃlŠ°nt gets its name from lŠ¾ng, ŃŠ¾ŃntŠµd, reddish brŠ¾wn leaves that look fantastic when grown in bunches. IdŠµŠ°llŃ suited for the foreground or midground of a ŃŠ¾mmunŃtŃ fŃŃh tŠ°nk, where itās usually planted in front of green foliage, the plant is often one of the most striking natural parts of an aquascape.
A cryptocoryne undulata aquarium plant thrives in a wide range of conditions. Great for beginners and up, the plantās leaves attain a reddish hue under intense light. If planting more than one, itās recommended to locate the plants a few centimeters apart for leaf expansion. This also allows more light to shine on the leaves, intensifying the colors.
CŃŃŠµruŃ helferi
Cyperus helferi aquarium plants add a delightful, grass-like texture to aquariums. In tanks that have enough water flow, the long, flowing leaves wave in the current, bringing the tank to life. This versatile plant can be grown submersed or emersed, providing a serene, subtle beauty that was made famous by Takashi Amano in his Nature Aquarium World series.
Available at Petco
Java moss on a bendable rod, can be adjusted to make almost any design.
Dracaena sanderiana ‘White Ribbon’
Dracaena sanderiana, often called ālucky bambooā, āwhite sanderianaā, or āwhite ribbonā, is an attractive, stalk-like plant. Its green leaves with creamy white edges give it a unique look that makes a striking addition to terrariums. Dracaena sanderiana terrarium plants should not be kept submerged permanently, as they are not true aquatic plants and will eventually die.
Dracaena Sp. ‘Bamboo Combo’
Dracaena sp., also known as Dracaena or bamboo, is often used as a standard houseplant, but it also makes a lovely addition to terrariums. The plant arrives as a fully-rooted bamboo plant that is ready for immediate placement in terrariums.